Campus Reform’s Addison Smith went to Georgetown University to get students’ opinions on socialism and redistributing wealth in America.
Students were overwhelmingly in favor of redistributing citizen’s income across the board. “Redistributing wealth definitely sounds more positive,” one said, while another suggested implementing socialism to solve a history of “racial hierarchy.”
“I’m [a] socialist… it’s kind of the only way we’re going to get anything close to real… social reform,” another student told Smith. He later disavowed private property rights, claiming that it’s “really not” a right people have.
Echoing this sentiment, a member of Georgetown’s Young Democratic Socialists of America said he wanted to elect politicians to “pass these socialists policies” through the democratic process.
But when Smith asked if students would be okay with the government taking more of their own money if they had earned their dream job, one woman was particularly hesitant.
“Well when it’s presented that way, it certainly sounds worse’, she told Smith. After being presented with an analogy of redistributing a grade on a group project that only one student worked to complete, another admitted that it was unfair “from an individual perspective.” Check out the video now for all of the shocking details from Campus Reform.