Even though the interview was arguably one of the softest you’ll ever see on “60 Minutes,” Biden nonetheless got himself into trouble with his comments. His claims that American troops would be sent to Taiwan in the event of a Chinese attack were quickly retracted by the White House.
But his claim that “the pandemic is gone” was one of several comments that led him into trouble.
That upset some of the leftists who have made masking and getting quarantined into a religion they can’t shake. Right-wingers were also quite interested in it because, if the pandemic is gone, what legal basis is there for any regulations, let alone the massive student debt bailout that is being forced upon American taxpayers? Biden was leveraging the notion of an “emergency” to support his position.
The White House is now retracting that statement. Biden’s remarks “do not signal a shift in policy regarding the administration’s management of the virus, and there are no plans to withdraw the Public Health Emergency,” an administration official told CNN. The state of emergency remains in effect until October 13.
Biden was challenged by other officials like Surgeon General Vivek Murthy. He made an attempt to insinuate that Biden meant they had achieved enormous “progress.”
We did hear what he said. Therefore, that’s not the case.
The ruling class forbade Biden from declaring victory. It isn’t Biden, as many people remarked on Twitter; it speaks everything about who is in charge.
Stephen Miller, an associate editor at The Spectator, tweeted, “He is not in command,” along with a screenshot of the CNN headline, “White House maintains Covid-19 policy unaltered despite Biden’s claims that the “pandemic is ended.”
“It wasn’t a mistake,” Miller said in later tweets. “Not slipping at all. He absolutely repeated it twice. He challenged anyone who questioned his mental competence at the same interview. Here is one instance.”
“Biden allegedly complains that he appears frail. Here’s why. Every time he speaks, his own government undermines him, he wrote, before posing the question, “Is he in command or not?”
“Hint: It won’t ever be ‘over.’ They benefited too greatly through wealth transfers, mandates, and lockdowns. Because of the virus, they completely reconstructed the nation. Do you really believe they would voluntarily give it up? Logan Hall, a conservative commentator, tweeted that it would not go away.”