The debate over “birthright citizenship” is heating up again as the Trump administration gears up for mass deportations. And, as usual, Democrats and their media lapdogs are trotting out the same tired falsehoods, insisting that being born on U.S. soil automatically makes someone a citizen. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t. Mark Levin, the conservative constitutional guru, has been cutting through this nonsense for years, calling birthright citizenship a “sham” that has no basis in the Constitution.
Levin isn’t mincing words. “It’s not in the Constitution,” he explains. “It’s not in any of the legislative history for the 14th Amendment. It’s not in the 1866 Civil Rights Act.” Yet the left clings to this myth like it’s their golden ticket to permanent political dominance. Why? Because it is.
Let’s set the record straight: the 14th Amendment was crafted in the aftermath of the Civil War to ensure that freed slaves were granted full citizenship. It had nothing to do with immigration, legal or illegal. Levin points to Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 of the Constitution, which states that “Congress shall have power to establish a uniform rule of naturalization.” Translation? Congress—not a reinterpretation of the 14th Amendment—has the authority to determine citizenship rules. And guess what? Congress has never passed a federal statute granting birthright citizenship.
So why does this myth persist? Because Democrats have turned birthright citizenship into a political weapon. Levin puts it perfectly: “Birthright citizenship is the argument, is the position, is the policy the Democrat Party holds onto because they want monopoly power for all time, and they don’t care if it’s foreigners or not.” It’s all about importing voters, plain and simple.
This isn’t about compassion or fairness—it’s about power. The left knows that by maintaining this lie, they can flood the voter rolls with individuals who are more likely to support their big-government, open-border agenda. Meanwhile, hardworking Americans foot the bill for the strain on resources, schools, and healthcare systems.
The Trump administration’s stance is a long-overdue correction to decades of constitutional abuse. The Founding Fathers didn’t design the 14th Amendment to be a free pass for anyone who can cross the border in time for delivery. Conservatives understand that citizenship is more than geography—it’s about loyalty, contribution, and shared values. It’s time to end the charade of birthright citizenship and restore some sanity to our immigration system.