In an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday, Representative Jim Himes (D-CT), the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, expressed his “serious worries” about the Biden admin’s lack of “more forthright” regarding the objects flying over American airspace.
“So, allow me to ask, what more can you tell us, and have you already been briefed?” questioned anchor Chuck Todd.
Himes responded, “Well, Chuck, we got a pretty thorough briefing on the first balloon, the one that was shot down off the coast of South Carolina, at the Gang of Eight level, and then later, the entire Government received a highly classified briefing on it. Therefore, we did quite well there. All of these things slip your mind. You may be aware that since then there have been two shoot-downs: one over Alaska and the other over the Yukon. Since Congress has not been in session, we have not received a formal briefing on it. Our staff members have been updated. However, the truth, which I believe is a contributing factor, and by the way, I have serious worries that the government is not being more open with what it knows. Since the second and third objects were shot down in such remote locations, my assumption is that there isn’t much information available yet to disseminate.”